Half-way checkpoint @ TOHacks 2021 Bootcamp

As week 2 of TOConnect 2021 comes to a close, so does the realization that we’re half-way through. Seems like it was only yesterday when we were learning about data transformation with Data Pipeline from Microsoft, and roasting resumes with SET.Hacks(). Let’s have a peek at what else we’ve been up to 🙂 Cross-posted from …

Maximize your experience at TOHacks 2021 Boot camps

At TOHacks, we take learning — and corgis — seriously. As such, believe us when we say it: the rough plunge into virtual-everything does not need to stunt your learning. Muster the courage, whip out your digital notepad and connect with us @ TOConnect 2021 — a 4-week accelerator designed to help you build out …

Scarborough Repair and Bike Cafe 2021

Introducing Scarborough Repair and Bike Cafe’s series of virtual repair and bike safety/mapping workshops via zoom. These workshops aim to encourage a culture of reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Neat little virtual event being organized by the Woburn Scarborough Community. I’ll be there talking about PC Hardware & Software, namely common failure mechanisms and how …

Build a RCM Switch for the Nintendo Switch

A majority of the gaming I’ve done throughout the years has been on the PC – keyboard & mouse are a lot more in my comfort zone, not to mention the plethora of titles available. Despite this, if I was to choose a favourite console, it would have to be the Nintendo Switch. It’s a …

Which phone, laptop and tablet brands break down the most? (CBC Marketplace) – Let’s reflect

My team from Repair Cafe Toronto and FreeGeek Toronto worked together with CBC Marketplace to bring this narrative to life – what does it take to get my mobile computing device repaired? The short answer – a hell of a lot more than the typical consumer has available to them in terms of finances, skills, …

tracert2csv – Format tracert output into comma-delimited CSVs

Part of the communications architecture for this research project I’m working on depends on TTL (time-to-live) of data as it travels through various networks. tracert is the perfect tool for such an application; it’s just a shame that there’s no friendly way to generate and output analytics-ready data. tracert2csv takes tracert output and processes it …

LTT – Nao – Bad Blood (Dawn Wall Bootleg)

Alright it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. Been meaning to share this track for a while ever since its feature on BBC Radio 1. Pretty radical remix, completely flipping genres over to DnB with that Dawn Wall twist that always seems to bring something, electric, to the scene. Give it a …

That’s it. I’m committing Sudoku.

Being stuck home for the past month due to Covid-19 has not only given me drive to learn new things, but has also driven me to the walls with boredom. After all, what’s the use of learning something new if you don’t apply it? And thus, sudoku_api was born. sudoku_api is a pure dart package …

Project GraPi – Completed Kiosk Hardware (#06)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. This marks the completion of hardware needed for the GraPi system – our AOpen monitor now functioning as a smart Kiosk. Minor mishap; realized at the end that the USB/Ethernet …