My Kubernetes Pod Lifecycles Workshop Experience

A couple weeks ago, I presented an internal workshop at PointClickCare as part of a Learnathon – 2 weeks of buffet-style workshops delivered by staff and vendors followed by a 1 week project period akin to a Hackathon. In this session, we covered theory around Kubernetes pod life cycles, along with operator considerations. In the …

Fixing ‘A fatal error occured when running Atmosphere’ Title ID: 010000000000002b

At the time of writing, there are several issues (#1124, #1145, #1173, #1256, #1491) opened into Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere regarding the following error: I encountered it out of nowhere on SW 15.0.1|AMS 1.4.0, but have heard of others facing it as a result of a bad microSD (already tested mine), or as the result of uncleanly shutting …

Build a RCM Switch for the Nintendo Switch

A majority of the gaming I’ve done throughout the years has been on the PC – keyboard & mouse are a lot more in my comfort zone, not to mention the plethora of titles available. Despite this, if I was to choose a favourite console, it would have to be the Nintendo Switch. It’s a …

tracert2csv – Format tracert output into comma-delimited CSVs

Part of the communications architecture for this research project I’m working on depends on TTL (time-to-live) of data as it travels through various networks. tracert is the perfect tool for such an application; it’s just a shame that there’s no friendly way to generate and output analytics-ready data. tracert2csv takes tracert output and processes it …

That’s it. I’m committing Sudoku.

Being stuck home for the past month due to Covid-19 has not only given me drive to learn new things, but has also driven me to the walls with boredom. After all, what’s the use of learning something new if you don’t apply it? And thus, sudoku_api was born. sudoku_api is a pure dart package …

Project GraPi – Completed Kiosk Hardware (#06)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. This marks the completion of hardware needed for the GraPi system – our AOpen monitor now functioning as a smart Kiosk. Minor mishap; realized at the end that the USB/Ethernet …

Project GraPi – Why so slow, Raspberry Pi? (#05)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. I’d like to say that the build went on without a hitch, but I ran into two issues. Not project critical issues, but troublesome nonetheless. Let’s talk about them, and …

Project GraPi – Loose ends (#04)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. As promised, let’s dive into some of the modifications made to Audio Control and USB/Ethernet Hub – all part of the master plan. Audio Control – Moving Audio IN, INside …

Project GraPi – Cable Prep (#03)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. When it comes to hardware, I’ll be keeping things simple.With the exception of the monitor itself, the other complex subsystems are as follows: Raspberry Pi Zero USB to USB/Ethernet hub …

Project GraPi – Boom, CLAP the sound of my Goals (#02)

Creating a health dashboard by hacking intelligence into an AOpen (the ‘A’ for ancient) monitor; with metrics aggregated by Graphite and beautifully displayed with Grafana. Let’s get some simple objectives and materials down before I change my mind.That way, I’ll have a post to update when I do. Requirements All hardware must be contained within …