My Kubernetes Quickstart Workshop Experience

Last week I held a Kubernetes Quickstart Workshop as part of the TOHacks 2022 Hype Week. Together, we went over some basic Kubernetes concepts, API resources, and the problems they solved relative to non-cloud native architecture. As part of this workshop I created some simple K8s cheat-sheets/material, along with a whole new Kubernetes cluster which …

Registering a VM created by a slightly newer version of ESXi

Related to the previous post, I’ve downgraded one of my ESXi hosts to ESXi 7U1c in a fit of frustration and sleep deprivation. Now comes the headache of re-configuring this host, along with registering VMs that were created by a newer version of ESXi 7. Specifically, 7U2. Et eu, VMs? Now I didn’t really use …

VMware ESXi 7U2 – Host losing access to SD card

Since Fall of 2021 when I upgraded from ESXi 7U1c to 7U2a, I’ve noticed several times when my host would lose access to its internal SD card. My setup is pretty standard – Dell’s custom ESXi image installed on my R830’s internal dual SD module (IDSDM). After around 16-20 days of uptime, the host would …

Why vSphere Web Client runs on port 9443

Admittedly, I’ve been on this issue far too long. And by issue, I should say issues, all of which may/not resemble the following: Administrator@vsphere.local lacks basic permissions. vCenter Server doesn’t appear in inventory, or is invisible. ERROR: Failed to connect to host _______ in the bottom-right corner (notification) Failed to verify the SSL certificate for …