Major Site + Domain Update IN-PROGRESS

EDIT: All content should be back where it was, with the exception of MiscMath (Deprecated) and Minecraft (In-Progress).

Hey there!

Quite recently, there have been some major, unannounced (sorry) changes with how this website and my services are delivered.

Firstly, I am now using a dedicated .ca domain;
Thus, services such as Minecraft and Teamspeak can now be accessible with the same credentials, but under the address

Secondly, I’ve switched the entire site over to a CMS – WordPress.
My original goal with this site was to develop it from the bottom-up – from raw HTML to something amazing. Due to a lack of time and resources, I’ve decided to use WordPress. This should give the site a more ‘complete’ feel, whilst having full mobile-accessibility.

I will continue developing projects/experiments as usual.

Note that not everything has been carried over, yet.

Another update will be released upon the finished migration of web-content. As such, expect missing pages/content.

Thank you.

Genius Hour – Wind Turbine Technology

Hello friends,

Today, I’ll be talking to you about wind turbine technology and ways that we can improve its efficiency.

. . .

Oh, wait. No, I’m not.

But if you DID come here to see/view the Genius Hour page for Wind Turbine Technology by Alvin and Gorgin, then feel free to click here.

Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Feel free to browse around though.

Have a good day!

LTT – Rezonate – Canvas

Hey there,

I hope you’re having a great day out there!
It’s time to bring out that bag of sour cream & onion chips, warm up the fire, and listen to some great music!

Without further ado, Rezonate – Canvas.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Stay warm, and have a great day!

December Update + FLL

Hey there,

Yes, I know, it has been awhile.

Fall is nearly over, and with winter around the corner, so is the new year.

So, let’s get this out of the way:
No, I was not dead, just preoccupied with a lot of school-related things. One being a seminar on Fibre Optic Technology, and the other being FLL.

For those unaware, FLL – FIRST Lego League – is a program that introduces and encourages child interest in the Science and Technology fields. This years challenge was known as Trash Trek, and quite ironically, involves handling the growing concerns over garbage buildup.
Children collaborate in teams, either created by schools, or by communities. They must engineer their own solution towards this issue, and create a presentation on it.
The other portion – my favorite portion – is the robot game sponsored by LEGO. Children must build autonomous robots out of LEGO that complete this mini-missions on a game board.
My high school was fortunate to be hosting our regional FLL tournament for the 2nd time.

A majority of my time was spend being a referee, and becoming affiliated with the accommodations of this event.
Was it a lot of work? Hell yes.
Was it worth it? Most definitely.
There is no end to the satisfaction felt from realizing that you’ve just inspired a generation of children into loving Science and Technology. Who knows? One of them could be the next great engineer.
Ever since participating in the FLL Food Factor 2011 Challenge, I’ve been hooked to both FLL, and FIRST.
I’ve also mentored my middle school’s 2012 Senior Solutions team, and reffed the 2014 World Class Challenge.

Anyways, I’m sorry for my abrupt appearance, and haste departure.

Before I go, let me leave you with the suggestion of checking out FIRST (go ahead and click the logo above!). It’s changed my life, and I bet it would for you as well.

Have a good day!

LTT – Bon Iver – Skinny Love

Good day/night to you!

I hope you’re having a good time! It is the weekend after all!
Care for a suggestion on this weekends activities? Get outside.

Literally. Get out there. Tend to your garden, take a walk, bike, frolic in meadows – just take in that fresh air and enjoy the world around you.

Quite recently, I’ve had an experience which led to reminisce in the simple things. Through this ‘window’, I’ve managed to experience the life we leave behind in our drive, our evolution, towards a futuristic age.

And before this turns into a discussion weighing the pros of active human ingenuity and the simple, but quiet past, I just want it known that it never hurts to remember – and if you cant – then think, about the simple days.

Days where you awake in the morning to not 8 o’clock traffic, but the sound of birds.
Days where your job didn’t involve working in metal structures built above ground, but on the ground itself.
Days where sleep was greeted not with dread as wasted time, but as a period of serene relaxation for the days ahead.

Ladies and gentlemen, Bon Iver – Skinny Love

Again, just try to recall the elementary days. You’ll be a better person in the end, really.

Enjoy, support the artists, and have a great day.

LTT – Karma Fields – Build The Cities ft. Kerli (Project 46 Remix)


I’ve been playing a lot of Sid Meier’s Civilization recently as Bismark of Germany.
Popular to contrary belief, I value the economic and production benefits, which help aplenty in city development and city-state relationships. Then, once late-game, I can bask in the war/army benefits.

I couldn’t contain my satisfaction from stumbling across this piece, which matched the theme of ‘civilization’ entirely.

Presenting Karma Fields – Build The Cities ft. Kerli (Project 46 Remix)

Listen, enjoy, heil hitler, and have a great day.

LTT – Phoebe Ryan – Mine (LYONS Remix)

Hey There!

I’d like to introduce a new category of posts – Listen To This! (LTT).

Posts affixed with this category will have a song that has appealed to me, and would hopefully appeal to you.

Why music though? Out of everything, why?
Because it is in my belief, that music is a portal to the soul, a free and flowing form of expression that cannot be restrained by law or society or time.

The piece for today will be Phoebe Ryan – Mine (LYONS Remix)

EDIT: It seems this track has gone missing. I’ll be hosting it for the meanwhile.